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  • Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce

    Welcome to the Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce. We are dedicated to the growth of our member businesses and the community at large through active leadership in civic, cultural, legislative, and educational programs. We work closely with city officials, business leaders, and civic organizations to build a sound economic base and orderly growth that benefits our entire community. We invite you to see why we are “the trusted voice of business” in Fountain Valley. Members receive a wide range of benefits with their membership. To learn more, see Member Benefits.
  • Information & Publication Request

    Areas of Interest
    Please specify which of the following you are interested in:
    Select all that apply
    The following publications and brochures are available:
    Select any items that you would like to receive
    2022 Corporate Sponsorship Booklet
    Make the most of your membership - Become a Chamber Partner TODAY!
    FHWA Billboard Safety Report
    The Federal Highway Administrations Report on Driver Visual Behavior in the Presence of Commercial Electronic Variable Message Signs.
    Industry Traffic Safety Research
    A compilation / summary of a number of different research projects on the traffic safety of electronic and static billboards.
    Contact Information
    * Required fields
    The Fountain Valley Chamber of Commerce will not sell your contact or email information. In order to serve your request, our office shares information with chamber member businesses who can provide you with additional information. Please indicate below if we may share your request for information: